We are bringing to Australia...

Resource Generation is a global community of young people with wealth or class privilege committed to the equitable distribution of wealth and power.

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Why does it exist?

Resource Generation exists to educate members about the roots of inequality and equip them to take bold action in solidarity with movements for social justice, creating systemic change. 

A group of Australian young people with wealth, experienced allies and advisors are bringing Resource Generation to Australia in 2025 and we’re looking for people to join us.

Resource Generation:

  1. enables personal reflection and growth

  2. creates space for peer-led learning

  3. supports members to engage in collective action through participation in movements, innovative funding models and/or their own / their families’ wealth redistribution.

Can I join?

We’re seeking young people with inherited, earned, or future wealth who are looking for a transformative experience, deep learning and peer connection - as well as the opportunity to be a part of bringing the movement to Australia.

If this sounds like you and you’re passionate or curious about social justice and want to do more - apply to participate in 2025!

The broader Resource Generation community includes people of all ages and class backgrounds who support the role that young people with wealth play in social change. Resource Generation also seeks to work in cross-class alliances with racial and economic justice partners and movement building organisations. Working with these groups is essential to its purpose. We look forward to inviting collaboration and partnership as the pilot rolls out.

Info night

Come along to an ‘in conversation’ with the people bringing Resource Generation to Australia, connect with peers and ask all your questions!

5.30pm, Wednesday 9th April, Gadigal/Sydney (venue TBC)


The global movement includes Resource Generation (USA), Resource Justice (UK) and Resource Movement (Canada). It’s seeing rapid growth in our peer countries, but there is nothing yet like it in Australia.

The Resource Generation Australia Working Group established itself over a year ago to change that.

A consultation process engaging more than 50 young people with wealth and movement leaders across the country has since reaffirmed the need for, and informed the direction of, the Australian chapter.

Working Group Members:

  • Stephen Pfeiffer, SPF100 Fund

  • Charlotte Siddle, CEO, Siddle Family Office

  • Laura Mannix, Philanthropy Lead, Australian Communities Foundation

  • Georgia Mathews, Director, Georgia Mathews Consulting

  • Jo Taylor, CEO, Siddle Family Foundation

What am I joining?

We are bringing together a small Sydney-based cohort (6-8 people) to participate in a 6-month program called Praxis from May to October 2025.

Praxis is Resource Generation’s core program and we’ve adapted it for the Australian context. All we need is the right individuals to experience it with! 

The Praxis group will meet in person once a month for six months, for 2.5 - 3 hours each time.

Praxis groups provide:

  • a peer-facilitated educational journey about the roots of inequality and our individual and collective roles in addressing it.

  • a space to discuss challenging topics participants are facing around wealth.

  • relationships and trust through regular meetings and sharing with other young people with wealth who believe in social justice. 

  • peers who encourage one another on their personal learning and reflection, and to support and remain accountable to each other in acting on moving their resources towards social change.

Topics explored include personal histories, class, race, giving practices and principles, and systems change. Facilitators focus on creating a safe space for challenging discussions, reflection and growth.

Participants walk away informed, connected, activated and equipped to influence others.

In 2025, we are looking for a cohort who is values-aligned, ready to commit to the program for the 6-month period, up for testing and refining the content through the process, and keen to inform the future direction of Resource Generation in Australia.

Heard enough?

Supporting partners
